Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What have I done?

I wonder if I will pay any attention to this blogging idea? So many technology-based ideas come and go and I've seen and tried most of them, but this one seems to be sticking a bit. I guess now that quite a few members of my extended family are bloggers, this may be a good way to shout out from time to time. I am arrogant and love to hear myself talk, who knows - this could actually be fun!


  1. Good luck with your blogging. I'll be here watching and waiting and commenting.

  2. "Love to hear myself talk". I think you are on to something there, Jeff. In our family, your own blog may be your only chance to get a word in.
    I'll be watching and waiting with Bob to see what you've got to say. And thanks for following mine - it was quite a surprise to see your name there on my list. I didn't know you knew where to find me.
